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Refrigerant dryer

Tsanangudzo Pfupi

Ese ELIMINATOR® drier ane yakasimba musimboti ane inosunga zvinhu inobatwa kune yakakwana.

Kune marudzi maviri eELIMINATOR® cores.Type DML madrier ane core composition of 100% Molecular Sieve, nepo type DCL ine 80% Molecular Sieve ine 20% activated alumina.

Product Detail

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ELIMINATOR® mhando DML driers dzakagadzirirwa maapplication anoda yakanyanya mwando huwandu.
ELIMINATOR® mhando DCL driers dzakagadzirirwa maapplication anoda yakakwirira mwando huwandu uye acid adsorption kugona.
Inowanikwa ne flare uye solder (pure copper) zvinongedzo.


Iyo Core mhando DML
■ 100% 3Å Molecular Sieve core
∎ Kuomesa kwakanyanya kunoderedza njodzi yekuumbwa kweasidhi (hydrolysis)
■ Inokurudzirwa kushandiswa neR134a, R404A, R32,R410A, R407C, R23, R600, R600a,R1234yf, R1234ze, R407f, R290, R452A,R444B, R448A regerants uye R449A regerants.
■ Haizopedza mafuta ekuwedzera

Iyo Core mhando DCL
■ 80% 3Å Molecular Sieve ine 20% yakabatidzwa alumina
∎ Yakakwana core musanganiswa wemasisitimu anoshanda patembiricha yakakwirisa uye inoda yakanyanya kuomesa
■ Inokurudzirwa kushandiswa neinoshandisika kune
R22,R134a, R404A, R32,R410A, R407C, R23, R600, R600a,R1234yf, R1234ze, R407f, R290, R452A,R444B, R449A, R4408A nefrigerants

The Shell
■ PED yakatenderwa PS 46 bar
■ Inowanikwa ine flare uye solder (pure copper).
∎ Isingaparare paupfu-pendi pendi Isingadziviriri Kupfeka kwakakosha kwekushandisa kwemugungwa kunowanika pakukumbira
■ Inobvumira kuisirwa kune chero yakatarisa chero museve uri munzira yekuyerera
■ Inowanikwa muhukuru 1.5 - 75 cubic inches

■ 25 μm (0.001 in.) sefa inopa kuchengetedzwa kwepamusoro nekudonha kushoma kwekumanikidza.
∎ Inodzikama kusvika ku120 °C.

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